Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Felicity: Finding Violet

It isn't natural to worry like this, toss and turn, and sleep this lightly. It isn't natural watch someone you love gnawing and biting at the live flesh of small woodland creatures, like it was perhaps the most delectable meal they had ever had. It isn't natural to watch that same loved one clean the blood from themselves in utter embarrassment. Things with Violet lately have been completely unnatural, and by morning things would be far worse than unnatural.

I woke to the sounds of birds, winds, and distant animals, but other than that just silence. That was the first sign of something wrong, and quick scan of our little camp brought a second issue to light, Violet was gone. I left HIM fast asleep, and followed Violet's obvious trail off into the woods. Several shredded rabbits later I found a clearing where a basically fortified trailer sat, door wide open. At first glance it looked as if it had been recently inhabited, and upon poking my head carefully just inside the front door, that unnatural fear sunk in.

I heard unmistakable and stomach wrenching sounds coming from the back of the trailer. Violet had found something to feed on. I held on to a  fleeting hope as I made my way through the mass of scavenged crap the trailers owner had amassed. The hope that there had been a pet, a small dog of cat maybe, that had caught Violet's eye, but when I made my way through the door at the end of the hallway, My hope was dashed to hell.

Violet sat crouched on the floor over the fresh corpse of the trailers former owner, dining on his entrails. She took a thoughtful but nauseating moment offer some of the spoils, and I proceeded to empty, what little there was of the previous nights dinner in my stomach, all over the wall in the far corner of the room. This was going to have to remain a secret.

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